Wednesday, October 24, 2007

point of interest

Darfurfast - sponsored by the STAND national organization.

shall we discuss? register the school? its december 5th, 3 dollars (dress down day perhaps?) not sure where the money goes... i guess to a P.O. box somewhere.

"On December 5th, students around the world will ask their peers, families, and communities to join them in DarfurFast by fasting from one luxury item for one day and donating the money they would have spent on those items to protect civilians in Darfur. Just three dollars– less than the cost of a latte– can provide protection for one woman for a year."

1 comment:

Rob Peach said...


I think that sounds like a great plan! We'll bring it up at the meeting. Otherwise, everyone should keep this in mind in the upcoming weeks.
